[Qgis-user] Issue with georeferencing plug-in

Nicolas Cadieux nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca
Sun May 7 15:01:51 PDT 2017


Make sure your project projection is in the same projection as the OSM layer. Do not use reproject on the fly for now.  If the new layer is created under the osm layer in the layer panel, you need to place it above the OSM layer as both are rasters. Later you can play with transparency or rendering on the raster layer properties.   You can also hide the OSM layer.  

In order to figure out if you have a projection problem, hide the base map and click on the georeferenced layer, then right click in the layer panel, select zoom to layer extent.   Turn on the basemap and try to figure where your georeferenced map ends up.  Look at the coordinates. That should help.  You need to carefully select the input (best guest) and output projection (the basemap projection) in the georeferencer plugin.


> Le 7 mai 2017 à 16:14, Charlotte Wolter [via OSGeo.org] <ml+s1560n5319664h45 at n6.nabble.com> a écrit :
> Hello, 
>          We were using the georeferencing plug-in to add 
> georeferenced points to a historic map. 
>          Everything seemed to go fine. We added four points, then 
> clicked on the small green arrow that supposedly sets it in motion. 
> We got a finished georeferenced historic map TIFF, but the new map 
> would not display superimposed on OpenStreetMap (our basemap). Both 
> the TIFF layer and the OpenStreetMap layer appear in the Layers 
> panel, but we see only the OpenStreetMap layer. 
>          How can we superimpose the new georeferenced TIFF on the 
> OpenStreetMap layer? 
>          Thanks 
> Charlotte Wolter 
> Charlotte Wolter 
> 927 18th Street Suite A 
> Santa Monica, California 
> 90403 
> +1-310-597-4040 
> [hidden email] 
> Skype: thetechlady 
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