[Qgis-user] QGIS FUnctionality Survey

Nicolas Cadieux nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca
Thu May 11 06:40:12 PDT 2017

Hi Viktória,

I will be happy fill out the form.  Did you make the forme using google sheets and a form?  It looks good.  Can I suggest you check with the university to make sure we don't need to fill in a consent form for the study?  It would be a waist of time having data and not be able to use it because of a missing consent form.  I am just asking based on my own university's policies.  I also know a friend to had trouble tracking down people that had answered some question without such a form.  You may not need to but please check with your supervisor. 

Good luck with your project. It would be nice to share the results with us later.

> Le 11 mai 2017 à 08:47, Viktória Vargová [via OSGeo.org] <ml+s1560n5320178h79 at n6.nabble.com> a écrit :
> Dear respondents,
> my name is Viktória Vargová. I am studying Geography and German language at the University of Prešov and now I am working on my bachelor thesis about QGIS software. One of the aims of thesis is to find out user satisfaction with basic QGIS functionality.
> I would like to request you to fill this survey, which is anonymous and will be used only for purposes of bachelor thesis. Please read the questions carefully and choose one of the options which you agree with.
> Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.​​
>   QGIS Functionality Survey
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