[Qgis-user] Can we make QGIS stop lying?

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Thu May 25 11:16:35 PDT 2017

Hi Carlos,

Am Do, 25.05.2017, 19:30 schrieb Carlos Cerdán:
> I understand your frustation (I've lived it), but QGIS doesn't lie,
> it is different from the way that some topics are done in another
> GIS.

I know, but the field, where you can select the output clearly shows
"meters". So I expect the output to be meters. Why not write
"same as input"? Then it's not a lie anymore (other GIS do so).

> You can get right metric values even if your layer and project are
> in Lat-long units.


Yeah, I know this workflow, I am using it every day. But it's
nearly impossible to explain to the audition, why QGIS has this
kind of unexpected behavior. For a GIS, it should be a problem to
calculate distance as geodetic lines. I can tell any developer,
how to do it.

The best way would be to fix the GUI or do a work-around with a
warning messagebox like I explain to Paolo. This would solve this

FYI: I'm trying to convince users in the educational area to
switch to QGIS. Actually, they don't see those workflows as part
of "freedom", they see it as a bug.

When an output field says "meters", you can expect it to be metric.
When an output field says "like input", you don't expect it to be
metric. Problem solved.

Best regards,

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