[Qgis-user] Wingdings font not showing/loading (macOS)

Anton Bakker anton.bakker at geocat.net
Fri Nov 10 02:24:11 PST 2017

Hi all,

When I try to configure a font marker symbol using the Wingdings font on a macOS machine, the Wingdings symbols are not showing up in the Style tab of the layer properties window. The correct Wingdings symbol does not show either in the map, when the layer is configured with a Wingdings symbol (for an example style see this sld: https://pastebin.com/raw/02hyUtHb). 

When I try the same in QGIS on Windows everything works as expected. I made a screenshot for both macOS and Windows, see https://imgur.com/a/ZMJLT <https://imgur.com/a/ZMJLT> (first image is from Windows, second from macOS).

Note that the Wingdings font seems to be installed correctly on my macOS system, the Wingdings symbols show correctly in the FontBook application. 

Can anyone reproduce this behaviour? You can download the Wingdings font here: https://ufonts.com/download/wingdings/35680.html <https://ufonts.com/download/wingdings/35680.html>.


Kind regards,

software developer at geocat <http://www.geocat.net/> 
tel. +31 318 416 664 

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