[Qgis-user] qgis atlas : set raster images 's contrast ?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Oct 16 01:21:29 PDT 2017

Hi Laurent, 

This is possible in QGIS 3, as it has the local contrast (stretch and
clip at updated current extent) as a styling option of a raster layer. 

I know that this may not be the answer you want, but you can already
install and use QGIS 3 in parallel with 2.18 - if you just use QGIS 3 to
generate the atlas. 



On 2017-10-12 22:07, image wrote:

> Good evening,
> I'm working with qgis 2.18(windows) and the usefull atlas tools. My covering
> layer is a polygon layer (20 features). My atlas template is composed by 4
> map elements representing different images raster (3 multibands).  I use the
> option proposed in the tab called "object property" to lock the layer and
> the style of the layer (lock layers / lock style for layers).For each
> raster, I want to be able to automatically apply and set the raster style
> and enhance the contrast "local histogram stretch".
> I join a screen shot reprensenting my atlas template. 
> <http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/file/t365144/SS_atals_raster_style.jpg> 
> Could you throw light for me ? is there a way to automatically assign a
> contrast stretch ("local histogram stretch") for all my map elements and for
> my 20 atlas sheet? 
> In advance, thank you for your help. 
> Kind regards. 
> --
> Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/QGIS-User-f4125267.html
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