[Qgis-user] Convert 3d polyline to 2d QGIS while retaining Z value in your Attributes table

Eddison Araya eddisonjose at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 08:51:53 PDT 2017

Hola muchas gracias!



2017-09-15 8:50 GMT-06:00 Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>:

> Hi Eddisson?
> Which z value? In your example you have different z-values attached to
> vertices, but you can only hold a single z-value per record.
> There are expressions like z(feature) that work on points, and there are
> expressions like point_n(LineStringGeom) to access a certain node. With
> this, you could say extract the z-values of the first node of a feature.
> Getting an aggregate (say mean z-value) of all nodes would be more complex
> and I am not sure if it can be done without Python.
> Andreas
> On 15.09.2017 16:37, Eddison Araya wrote:
> Hello! a pleasure to greet Do you know how to convert a 3d polyline
> shapefile to a 2D and keep the Z value in your attribute table? Thank you
> [image: Imágenes integradas 1]
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