[Qgis-user] Compiling QGIS3 with grass7 from MacPorts

David Liontooth lionteeth at cogweb.net
Thu Sep 28 17:12:51 PDT 2017

I'm interested in reading LIDAR data, which appears to require GRASS 
(I'm new to this).

I'm trying to compile QGIS2.99 (master) on OS X and short of GRASS 
everything is working -- the program starts up with

     open QGIS

MacPorts has gdal-grass @2.2.0 (gis), which pulls in grass7. It ends up 


so for instance /opt/local/share/grass-7.2.2/lib/libgrass_lidar.dylib.

How do I tell the QGIS build scripts to include grass7?


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