[Qgis-user] How to create a website to display a QGIS project

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Wed Aug 29 02:32:45 PDT 2018

Hi Pascale,

Am 29.08.18 um 10:10 schrieb Pascale Le Hel:
> Hello, I have never used QGIS so far, but I am wondering if I can use
> it to then create a webGIS (exporting the layers created in QGIS to
> display them on a web platform). I saw this plugin 'QGIS2web': does
> it create a web GIS to display the data online or do I need to use a
> (free) website builders like Wix to create a WebGIS?

I just did my first WebGIS page with qgis2web. You can visit it at 

I used the Openlayers build, because it has some better symbolizing than 
the leaflet one. I added some features like URL parameters and WMS 
basemaps (instead of WMS layers) myself. The vector layer data is stored 
as geojson files.

You surely need a web hoster (I use a free account at bplaced), but no 
online database or server management is required. An ftp access is the 
only thing you need.

You can even add your own tiles if you render them on your PC and uplaod 
them to the usual folder structure on your webspace.

Andre Joost

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