[Qgis-user] QGIS3 macOS GRASS issues
Mr. Stace D Maples
stacemaples at stanford.edu
Thu Dec 20 16:12:13 PST 2018
Has anyone managed to get a working install of QGIS3, with GRASS successfully working properly?
Could you share how you did it?
I literally just installed QGIS3 according to the ReadMe on a MacBook Pro, fresh out of the box. First thing on the machine other than the OS.
Still doesn’t work.
Is no-one else having this issue? I’ve been trying since QGIS3 came out and I’ve never been able to get a properly working install.
Yes, I’ve tried the Lutra Consulting installers, now, as well. Grass doesn’t work on those, either.
Errors below:
Processing algorithm…
Algorithm 'v.voronoi' starting…
Input parameters:
{ '-a' : False, '-l' : False, '-s' : False, '-t' : False, 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' : 0.0001, 'GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER' : 0, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER' : '-8475108.938998612,-8453077.913650313,4990639.536944103,5011374.619624854 [EPSG:3857]', 'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER' : -1, 'GRASS_VECTOR_DSCO' : '', 'GRASS_VECTOR_LCO' : '', 'input' : 'Point?crs=EPSG:3857&field=id:integer(10)&uid={dcf082ae-d9f8-4b71-b91a-d9c3cb4b6ea3}', 'output' : '/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_e202206dfa1e4e1d9038f698007327ac/a2d53ae1fce54452a416bb024df6665f/output.gpkg', 'smoothness' : 0.25, 'thin' : -1 }
g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"
v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_e202206dfa1e4e1d9038f698007327ac/9dd436b010ba45d89ad65ddd32ae13d3/input.shp" output="vector_5c1c2e331b6372" --overwrite -o
g.region n=5011374.619624854 s=4990639.536944103 e=-8453077.913650313 w=-8475108.938998612
v.voronoi input=vector_5c1c2e331b6372 smoothness=0.25 thin=-1 output=outputca662649e0e54d1d8bfdf9c18ce2b8c9 --overwrite
v.out.ogr -c type="auto" input="outputca662649e0e54d1d8bfdf9c18ce2b8c9" output="/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_e202206dfa1e4e1d9038f698007327ac/a2d53ae1fce54452a416bb024df6665f/output.gpkg" format="GPKG" --overwrite
File "/Applications/QGIS3.app/Contents/MacOS/grass/grass74", line 1697
sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % grass_version)
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
File "/Applications/QGIS3.app/Contents/MacOS/grass/grass74", line 1697
sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % grass_version)
TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
Execution completed in 0.56 seconds
{'output': <QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition {'sink':/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_e202206dfa1e4e1d9038f698007327ac/a2d53ae1fce54452a416bb024df6665f/output.gpkg, 'createOptions': {'fileEncoding': 'System'}}>}
Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.<ul><li>/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_e202206dfa1e4e1d9038f698007327ac/a2d53ae1fce54452a416bb024df6665f/output.gpkg</li></ul>You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.
In F,L&T,
Stace Maples
Geospatial Manager
Stanford Geospatial Center
staceymaples at G+
Skype: stacey.maples
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"I have a map of the United States... actual size.
It says, "Scale: 1 mile = 1 mile."
I spent last summer folding it."
-Steven Wright-
On Nov 14, 2018, at 9:21 AM, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net<mailto:a.neumann at carto.net>> wrote:
Hi Mike,
If you use the "Move item content" map to pan the map, you can also zoom in and out using the mouse wheel. Or you can set the map scale in the item properties to a defined rounded scale, which also changes the extent. This should help you get rid of the whitespace.
On 2018-11-14 17:59, Michael Jabot wrote:
Again a huge help!
When I do the "Set to Map Canvas Extent" the map in Composer looks like:
Maybe I am asking the wrong question .... would like to not have the "white space" around the map
THANK YOU again!!!
Michael Jabot, Ph.D.
Professor, Science Education
US Partner - GLOBE Program
NASA Earth Ambassador
Director, Institute for Research in Science Teaching
The State University of New York at Fredonia
716.320-0189 (Google Voice)
jabot at fredonia.edu<mailto:jabot at fredonia.edu>
E250 Thompson Hall
280 Central Avenue
Fredonia, NY 14063
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 11:43 AM, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net<mailto:a.neumann at carto.net>> wrote:
Hi Mike,
You can't directly zoom to the inverted polygon for the display in composer.
But: you can zoom to the inverted polygon in the main canvas (Right click on the layer in the legend tree and zoom to layer) and then synchronize the main canvas and the view in composer.
Use this button (set to map canvas extent):
Or you can interactively pan/zoom to the extent you want with the following tool:
First select the map element you want to pan/zoom and then use the above marked tool.
On 2018-11-14 17:12, Michael Jabot wrote:
This was a huge help! Thank You!!
I have another dumb question. In composer is there a way to zoom to the inverted polygon for the display?
I feel badly about all of these dumb questions!!
THANK YOU again!!
Michael Jabot, Ph.D.
Professor, Science Education
US Partner - GLOBE Program
NASA Earth Ambassador
Director, Institute for Research in Science Teaching
The State University of New York at Fredonia
716.320-0189 (Google Voice)
jabot at fredonia.edu<mailto:jabot at fredonia.edu>
E250 Thompson Hall
280 Central Avenue<https://maps.google.com/?q=280+Central+Avenue+%0D%0A+Fredonia,+NY++14063&entry=gmail&source=g>
Fredonia, NY <https://maps.google.com/?q=280+Central+Avenue+%0D%0A+Fredonia,+NY++14063&entry=gmail&source=g> 14063<https://maps.google.com/?q=280+Central+Avenue+%0D%0A+Fredonia,+NY++14063&entry=gmail&source=g>
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 9:05 AM, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net<mailto:a.neumann at carto.net>> wrote:
Hi Mike,
Perhaps you could use the "inverted polygon" renderer to cover/hide areas outside your area of interest?
See https://docs.qgis.org/testing/en/docs/user_manual/working_with_vector/vector_properties.html#inverted-polygon-renderer or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHhYDdTC2vg
By using this symbology technique you are not actually clipping the data, but hide areas ouside a defined polygon "on-the-fly".
Hope this helps,
On 2018-11-14 14:42, Michael Jabot wrote:
I am trying to clip a basemap to a polygon and am struggling. I have tried to follow suggestions from others about doing this but have not been able to make it work.
What I am trying to do is use the portion of the basemap for the region in Composer
Thank you in advance for any suggestions
Mike Jabot
Michael Jabot, Ph.D.
Professor, Science Education
US Partner - GLOBE Program
NASA Earth Ambassador
Director, Institute for Research in Science Teaching
The State University of New York at Fredonia
716.320-0189 (Google Voice)
jabot at fredonia.edu<mailto:jabot at fredonia.edu>
E250 Thompson Hall
280 Central Avenue<https://maps.google.com/?q=280+Central+Avenue+%0D%0A+Fredonia,+NY++14063&entry=gmail&source=g>
Fredonia, NY <https://maps.google.com/?q=280+Central+Avenue+%0D%0A+Fredonia,+NY++14063&entry=gmail&source=g> 14063<https://maps.google.com/?q=280+Central+Avenue+%0D%0A+Fredonia,+NY++14063&entry=gmail&source=g>
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