[Qgis-user] Kind information request on how to start QGIS - problem choosing the directory to locate the data -

Marco Giansoldati mgiansoldati at units.it
Thu Jan 18 05:47:37 PST 2018

Dear Members,

I am completely new to QGIS and I just installed it.

I downloaded and started to read two manuals.

Yet, the these two books do not address the problem I encounter at the very

I am asked to locate a folder with data for Grass GIS which should be
labelled Location.

I created the folder Location but I do not understand how to load the data.

I am actually not able to locate the data.There is no .gxw. I downloaded
the exercise data from this url:


but when I tried to load there is no file with .gxw

I would be extremely thankful if you could help me.





Dr. Marco Giansoldati

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali, Matematiche e Statistiche
Università degli Studi di Trieste
Via dell'Università, 1 - 34123 Trieste, Italy
Phone: +39-0405582857 <+39%20040%20558%207076> - Fax: +39-0405587033
e-mail: mgiansoldati at units.it <danielis at units.it>

Personal web page -
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