[Qgis-user] QGIS Print Composer / Layout display unwanted labels on the North Pole

Karl Zinglersen karl.zinglersen at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 03:57:17 PDT 2018

 Working in the Arctic, I now and then produce maps covering the North Pole
in a Polar Stereographic Projection, eg. EPSG 3996 or 3413.

In Print Composer - sorry: Layout - I add a grid to display longitude and
latitude coordinates.
In Modify grid..., I use "Frame and annotations only" (as Solid lines are
not correctly rendered being a bug for quite some years), CRS to EPSG:4326,
Interval to X=20 (degrees) and Y=0.
I tick "Draw coordinates", choose "Decimal with suffix", choose "Show
longitude only" and "Outside frame" for all and set Coordinate precision to

Coordinates are nicely displayed along the edge of the map frame.

However, a bunch of coordinates in a big mess is also displayed on the
North Pole, being inside the frame.

So far, I see it, I am not able to change any settings to get rid of this,
so I would think it is a bug. It is not a new bug, but can be reproduced
for the LTR version and previous versions.

Have I missed something, or can I file it the issue tracking system?

Karl Brix Zinglersen
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