[Qgis-user] Output CRS error from QGIS server 3.0.2

Joshua Arnott josh at snorfalorpagus.net
Tue May 15 04:09:38 PDT 2018

I'm trying to install QGIS server 3.0.2 in a docker container. However I'm
getting the following response from WMS requests:

<ServiceExceptionReport version="1.3.0"><ServiceException
code="InvalidCRS">Could not create output

The server log provides a little more information:

[443][10:56:23] ******************** New request ***************
[443][10:56:23] formatString is: image/png
[443][10:56:23] BBOX:0,-30,90,60
[443][10:56:23] CRS:EPSG:4326
[443][10:56:23] FORMAT:image/png
[443][10:56:23] HEIGHT:512
[443][10:56:23] LAYERS:bluemarble
[443][10:56:23] MAP:/tmp/projects/helloworld3.qgs
[443][10:56:23] REQUEST:GetMap
[443][10:56:23] SERVICE:WMS
[443][10:56:23] WIDTH:512
[443][10:56:23] WMS Request parameters:
[443][10:56:23]  - CRS : EPSG:4326
[443][10:56:23]  - WIDTH : 512
[443][10:56:23]  - HEIGHT : 512
[443][10:56:23]  - BBOX : 0,-30,90,60
[443][10:56:23]  - LAYERS : bluemarble
[443][10:56:23]  - FORMAT : image/png
[443][10:56:23] Error, could not create output CRS from EPSG
[443][10:56:23] Request finished in 62 ms

I get the same response using both the debian:stretch and ubuntu:18.04 base
images. QGIS is installed from qgis.org/debian.

I've successfully installed qgis-server on debian (in a virtual machine)
using what I think is the same process and configuration, so I'm at a loss
as to why it's not working.

Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks,

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