[Qgis-user] Can't find Python

Daniele ViganĂ² daniele at vigano.me
Thu Nov 1 11:01:44 PDT 2018

Hi Clifford,

On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 6:29 PM Clifford Snow <clifford at snowandsnow.us>

> I did use your package but didn't install the python3-qgis. After I
> originally installed qgis, I went searching for a python qgis package but
> must have missed it. Shouldn't it be required by the qgis rpm so it
> installs as one of qgis's dependancies.

no, python3-qgis isn't a requirement of QGIS, it's an optional dependency
(like GRASS). It's true that QGIS without the python support is missing
several extended features, but the main capabilities of QGIS do not depend
on Python. This is well described both on the official documentation and on
the repo welcome page (see 'Installing QGIS'); I'm also following the same
path as the official Ubuntu/Debian packages do.

> After installing python3-qgis python still isn't found. Now I get the
> following warnings:
> Couldn't load SIP module.
> Python support will be disabled.
>  ImportError: /lib64/libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5_PRIVATE_API' not
> found (required by /usr/local/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/QtCore.so)

The problem is here */usr/local/*lib64: it looks like you are not using the
standard PyQt5 distribution available via the official Fedora RPMs
(otherwise QtCore.so would be under /usr/lib64 and *NOT* /usr/*local*/lib64).
It's probable that the QtCore version offered by
/usr/local/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/QtCore.so doesn't match the
one which QGIS is compiled against, which is 5.10:

$ rpm -qf /usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/PyQt5/QtCore.so

You must make sure that QGIS is using the libraries provided by official
Feodra RPMs or at least (even if still dangerous) versions of libraries are
matching the same API level.
Generally speaking overriding Python system libraries installed via RPMs is
a bad idea. You should use virtualenvs instead (or the user prefix at least,
like via pip --user) and leave the system clean.


*Daniele ViganĂ²*
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