[Qgis-user] Beginner pointers on how best to access specific web based GIS dataset

Jonathan Moules jonathan-lists at lightpear.com
Sun Sep 2 03:23:58 PDT 2018

Hi Joe,

As Richard pointed out, these are ArcGIS REST services so they won't 
play well with QGIS (who needs to use open-standards when you're the 
de-facto standard?). Some ArcGIS boxes do support WMS/WFS but they're a 
pain to manually figure out the URL (I couldn't quickly do it from the 
one you linked to).

Your best bet is to use OGC services - WMS and WFS, etc. You can search 
almost a million such layers with GeoSeer; there seem to be 20 layers 
for Fulton, IL - https://www.geoseer.net/s.php?q=fulton+il - and 
thousands if you search for "Illinois".



On 29/08/2018 13:08, Joe Harroun wrote:
> Using QGIS 3.22 on windows 10
> Data of interest located generally at : 
> http://www.gis2gps.com/GIS/illcounties/illcounties.html
> If click on the specific county of interest, say Fulton County IL, the 
> link accessing the data is: 
> https://fultonco.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=79f2fd5b27c94cce966ca9a02e0a16ee
> So this appears to be an ArcGIS server, but I'm struggling to give 
> QGIS the right parameters to access the GIS data from Fulton county.
> Thank you
> joe
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