[Qgis-user] Hot Spot Accumulation

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Thu Sep 27 05:17:07 PDT 2018

Hi Gillen, 

Perhaps you are looking for the cluster renderer? 






On 2018-09-27 13:53, GILLEN Finbar wrote:

> Hi Nicolas, 
> I checked that but it doesn't create a singular circle for each point. In more dense areas it will merge the circles as one. 
> I would be looking for an individual circle for each point. 
> Regards 
> Finbar 
> FROM: Nicolas Cadieux <nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca> 
> SENT: 27 September 2018 12:51
> TO: GILLEN Finbar <finbar.gillen at axa.ie>
> CC: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
> SUBJECT: Re: [Qgis-user] Hot Spot Accumulation 
> Hi, 
> I believe heat map will do that. You can use weight from field. 
> http://www.qgistutorials.com/fr/docs/creating_heatmaps.html 
> Nicolas 
> Le 27 sept. 2018 à 07:42, GILLEN Finbar <finbar.gillen at axa.ie> a écrit : 
>> Hi All, 
>> Is there a plugin or tool within QGIS that creates a hotspot for each individual point in a dataset and assigns a score based on the amount of points that fall within a given radius, say 200 metres (See image below)? 
>> <image001.png> 
>> I would be looking to weight the score with a variable within the dataset to. 
>> Regards 
>> Finbar 
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