[Qgis-user] Wms with time data

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sun Apr 28 05:11:26 PDT 2019

On 28/04/2019 08.50, Piotr Kania wrote:
> Hello!
> Here is example of wms request:
> http://ies-ows.jrc.ec.europa.eu/effis?service=WMS&request=GetMap&layers=ecmwf007.fwi&styles=&format=image%2Fpng&transparent=true&version=1.1.1&singletile=false&time=2019-04-27&width=2048&height=2048&srs=EPSG%3A3857&bbox=0,0,20037508.342789244,20037508.34278071
> In web browser wms server responds with correct data, when I change
> "...time=2019-....". I don't know, how to "configure" plugin Time
> Manager to achieve the same in qgis - EFFIS raster from the past, for
> example from 2019-04-01.
> Maybe someone knows how to do that in qgis with EFFIS's wms?

Hi Piotrek,

I had a look into this, also because I have a PR for timemanager open to
try to 'guess' these kind of information based on the capabilities of
the service... Which is hard because a lot different dimension formats
are possible, and a lot of mapservers (notably the Minesota Mapservers)
are badly configured! Geoservers do often a better job as they determine
the time 'extents' based on the actual data.

Anyway, in your case:

Capabilities of the wms is:


Which standard returns a wms 1.1.1 capabilities document apparently :-(
(while QGIS nowadays favours 1.3.0)

As an example have a look at this layer:  "ecmwf.fwi"
in the capabilities the 'dimensions' for this layer:

<Extent name="time" default="2019-01-01"

So: no indication of the periods (like better wms-t's do nowadays), so
we are guessing this is day-based data... running from 2018 till 2099:
nope, they are just saying that!!
( if I were you I'd ask jrc to do some reconfiguring :-) )

The real data is from 2018-05-15 till 2019-05-07 ... !!

So: just load the layer in QGIS as wms,
Open time manager, point to the rasterlayer and use as starttime:
and as endtime
then the plugin will determine the right time format: %Y-%m-%d

Now make sure you put the slider somewhere between the begin and endtime
and 'Time frame size' to one day.

Then it works.. with me, hope it does for you.


Richard Duivenvoorde

ps if adventurous (and running qgis 3.6 you can use the networklogger
plugin to see the actual requests qgis is firing, preliminary version
https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/qgisnetworklogger/tree/model_rewrite )

ps2 I think my PR in timemanager will make adding this kind of layers
easier, though it is hard to handle all possible versions and dimensions...

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