[Qgis-user] Imported Line Symbol Problem

Dave Gardiner 2dave.gardiner at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 18:27:34 PST 2019

Hi Jorge

Here is an extract form one of the source xls files. Embedded in here is a
reference to a svg symbol, in this case "geology/arrows_sinistral.svg". I
have located this file along with other associated svg files but where is
QGIS expecting to see these files. What is the root directory for



-<layer locked="0" class="MarkerLine" pass="0">

<prop v="12.75" k="interval"/>

<prop v="0,0" k="interval_map_unit_scale"/>

<prop v="MM" k="interval_unit"/>

<prop v="0" k="offset"/>

<prop v="10.75" k="offset_along_line"/>

<prop v="0,0" k="offset_along_line_map_unit_scale"/>

<prop v="MM" k="offset_along_line_unit"/>

<prop v="0,0" k="offset_map_unit_scale"/>

<prop v="MM" k="offset_unit"/>

<prop v="interval" k="placement"/>

<prop v="1" k="rotate"/>

-<symbol name="@fault2611 at 1" type="marker" alpha="1">

-<layer locked="0" class="SvgMarker" pass="0">

<prop v="0" k="angle"/>

<prop v="#000000" k="color"/>

<prop v="1" k="horizontal_anchor_point"/>

<prop v="geology/arrows_sinistral.svg" k="name"/>

<prop v="0,0" k="offset"/>

<prop v="0,0" k="offset_map_unit_scale"/>

<prop v="MM" k="offset_unit"/>

<prop v="#000000" k="outline_color"/>

<prop v="1" k="outline_width"/>

<prop v="0,0" k="outline_width_map_unit_scale"/>

<prop v="MM" k="outline_width_unit"/>

<prop v="area" k="scale_method"/>

<prop v="5.25" k="size"/>

<prop v="0,0" k="size_map_unit_scale"/>

<prop v="MM" k="size_unit"/>

<prop v="1" k="vertical_anchor_point"/>

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