[Qgis-user] QGIS 3.6.0 & Building PostgreSQL/PostGIS SQLs as Layers fails

Max Pyziur pyz at brama.com
Mon Mar 11 17:47:00 PDT 2019


Earlier, I had an issue using QGIS 2.7.15 on Fedora 29. It failed to load 
PyQGIS, and therefore there was no access to DB Manager to build SQLs to 
add new layers to my maps.

My workaround appeared to be to install QGIS 3.6.0-Noosa from copr, a 
non-Fedora repository.

On startup, QGIS reports no errors, and DB Manager is available.

When building a SQL using DB Manager, hitting execute, the data appears in 
the appropriate window. However, once clicking "Load As Layer" the layer 
does not appear.

To try an alternative,
Layer -> Add Layer -> Add PostGIS Layer
and then clicking on a table representing a shapefile 
the layer appers.

Furthermore, I can right-click on the layer name in the window and am able 
to update the SQL Query and get appropriate results.

Any advice in offering a remedy allowing me to use the DB Manager directly 
would be greatly appreciated.

An example of a query that I would like to load:
SELECT gid, name AS division, st_transform(geom, 2163) AS geom FROM 

Much thanks,

Max Pyziur
pyz at brama.com

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