[Qgis-user] QGIS 6.3 for macOS 10.14.5 : HELP

Nuno Manuel de Figueiredo de Santos Loureiro nlourei at ualg.pt
Tue May 21 16:14:51 PDT 2019

Hi all,

I'm a very regular (happy) user of QGIS 2.18.23.
Recently I installed QGIS 6.3.2 on my Mac with macOS 10.14.5.
Several tasks are running very well but when I tried to merge a few rasters I was not able to do that and I received the following message:

GDAL command output:
/bin/sh: gdal_merge.py: command not found

Also, when I tried to clip a raster using a mask layer I was not able to do that and I received the following message:

GDAL command output:
/bin/sh: gdalwarp: command not found

What is missing or wrong?

Can somebody help me with some tips to fix this issue?

Many thanks in advance,



Nuno de Santos Loureiro (PhD)

Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - DCTMA - Ed. 8

Universidade do Algarve

Campus de Gambelas

8005-139 FARO   (Portugal)

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