[Qgis-user] load (custom) EPSG into QGIS from PostGIS

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Wed Nov 20 07:18:03 PST 2019

I know, bad to cross post on more than one list. . . .

But . . .

Anyone ever tried to load a (custom) projection into QGIS from a PostGIS query?  I’m not even sure what that might look like from the QGIS side.  Just looking for ideas to automate this.

We use Postgres/PostGIS quite a bit and consequently our custom projection resides in the spatial_ref_sys table.  We’ve simply manually loaded with Copy/past into QGIS in the past, but was wondering if anyone has tried to pipeline this into a process.  It’s not a big problem to explain the copy/paste method, but it’s a bit harder to explain to non-gis centric folks what to do.

Just trying to make things easier related to handling our custom projection.


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