[Qgis-user] COVID-19 contact tracing

Nicolas Cadieux nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca
Wed Apr 22 09:00:40 PDT 2020


I am not involved in this yet (and I am currently quite busy) but something tells me we will all be involved at one point in contact tracing for the current COVID-19 Pandemic. Is there a site, plugins, resources where we could pool or resources together? Any ideas on this?  Is anything going on at QGIS that could help? Seems this could be a good opportunity to help. Would be nice to have a COVID-19 contact tracing plugin or something of the sort.  I know there are lots of tools to choose from but having everything in the same spot could help people with little GIS training.

Anyways, just replying to indicate current initiatives could be a good start.

Just a thought...

Nicolas Cadieux
Ça va bien aller!

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