[Qgis-user] QGIS 3.16 Installation on Linux Mint

chris hermansen clhermansen at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 21:04:28 PST 2020

Sorry all, replied only to Mike.

On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 9:03 PM chris hermansen <clhermansen at gmail.com>

> Mike and list,
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 7:00 PM Mike Flannigan <mflan at mflan.com> wrote:
>> Linux Mint (LM) is a fork of Ubuntu, so LM users
>> normally use the Ubuntu install commands located here:
>> https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/alldownloads.html#debian-ubuntu
>> The command on that website that has given me problems is
>> sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://qgis.org/debian `lsb_release -c -s`
>> main"
>> People who know more than me say that `lsb_release -c -s` returns
>> "tricia", which is unknown to the QGIS repo.  Only the Linux Mint repo
>> knows the LM 19.3 nickname tricia. The rest of the world needs to be
>> given the Ubuntu nickname bionic instead, because LM 19.3 tricia is
>> based on Ubuntu 18.04 bionic.  So they tell me to change that command to
>> sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://qgis.org/debian bionic main".
>> That worked for me.
>> "So what" you may say.  We say it is for Debian and Ubuntu, not LM.
>> That is true, but there are apparently more Mint users than either
>> Ubuntu or Debian users:
>> https://distrowatch.com/
>> I just wonder if that line should be changed to
>> sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://qgis.org/debian bionic main"
> If you go look in https://qgis.org/debian/dists/ you will see the
> following Debian and Ubuntu dists supported:
> bionic/  22-Nov-2020 18:36 -
> buster/  23-Nov-2020 05:01 -
> cosmic/  08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
> disco/   08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
> eoan/    24-Oct-2020 12:08 -
> focal/   22-Nov-2020 22:37 -
> groovy/  23-Nov-2020 00:15 -
> jessie/  08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
> precise/ 08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
> stretch/ 08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
> trusty/  08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
> unstable/ 23-Nov-2020 09:05 -
> xenial/  08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
> As far as Ubuntu goes, bionic = 18.04, cosmic = 18.10, disco = 19.04, eoan
> = 19.10, focal = 20.04, groovy = 20.10, xenial = 16.04 and precise... wow
> that's 12.04 which has been unsupported since 2017.  Well anyway.
> Not to mention the Debian users which have the selection of buster,
> jessie, stretch, trusty and unstable.
> Not to mention the Mint users using Ulyana which is AFAIK based on Ubuntu
> 20.04 (focal)?
> So probably hardcoding it to refer only to the Ubuntu 18.04 / bionic
> distro and thereby also satisfying the Mint folks on tricia would cause a
> lot of surprise to quite a lot of users.
> Also please remember that there are lots of other Ubuntu (and Debian)
> derivative distros that can likely use the appropriate Ubuntu distro.
> --
> Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com
> C'est ma façon de parler.

Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com

C'est ma façon de parler.
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