[Qgis-user] SIP
carlos h
carloslda256 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 06:36:31 PST 2020
Hi!! I have a problem, I have installed the stable version of qgis 3.4.15
but it gives me that error message when I start and I don't know what to do!
Thank you
The SIP module could not be loaded.
Python support will be disabled.
Tracking (latest recent calls):
File "", line 1, in
File "C: /PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps/qgis-ltr /./ python \ qgis \ __
init__.py", line 72, in
from qgis.PyQt import QtCore
File "C: /PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps/qgis-ltr /./ python \ qgis \ PyQt \
QtCore.py", line 26, in
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
ModuleNotFoundError: no module called 'PyQt5.sip'
Python version:
3.7.0 (v3.7.0: 1bf9cc5093, June 27, 2018, 04:59:51) [MSC v. 1914 64 bit
QGIS version:
3.4.15-Madeira 'Madeira', e83d02e274
Python path:
['C: /PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps/qgis-ltr /./ python', 'C: / Users / leon /
AppData / Roaming / QGIS / QGIS3 \\ profiles \\ default / python', ' C: /
Users / leon / AppData / Roaming / QGIS / QGIS3 \\ profiles \\ default /
python / plugins', 'C: /PROGRA~1/QGIS3~1.4/apps/qgis-ltr /./ python /
plugins' , 'C: \\ PROGRA ~ 1 \\ QGIS3 ~ 1.4 \\ apps \\ gdal2 \\ pymod3 \\
scripts',' C: \\ PROGRA ~ 1 \\ QGIS3 ~ 1.4 \\ apps \\ gdal2 \\ pymod3 \\
lib \\ site-packages ',' C: \\ PROGRA ~ 1 \\ QGIS3 ~ 1.4 \\ apps \\
Python37 ',' C: \\ PROGRA ~ 1 \\ QGIS3 ~ 1.4 \\ apps \\ Python37 \\
Scripts', 'C: \\ Program Files \\ QGIS 3.4 \\ bin \\ python37.zip', 'C: \\
PROGRA ~ 1 \\ QGIS3 ~ 1.4 \\ apps \\ Python37 \\ DLLs' , 'C: \\ PROGRA ~ 1
\\ QGIS3 ~ 1.4 \\ apps \\ Python37 \\ lib', 'C: \\ Program Files \\ QGIS
3.4 \\ bin', 'C: \\ Users \\ leon \ \ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Python \\
Python37 \\ site-packages ',' C: \\ PROGRA ~ 1 \\ QGIS3 ~ 1.4 \\ apps \\
Python37 \\ lib \\ site-packages ',' C: \\ PROGRA ~ 1 \\ QGIS3 ~ 1.4 \\
apps \\ Python37 \\ lib \\ site-packages \\ win32 ',' C: \\ PROGRA ~ 1 \\
QGIS3 ~ 1.4 \\ apps \\ Python37 \\ lib \ \ site-packages \\ win32 \\ lib
',' C: \\ PROGRA ~ 1 \\ QGIS3 ~ 1.4 \\ apps \\ Python37 \\ lib \\
site-packages \\ Pyth onwin ']
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