[Qgis-user] custom CRS issue
Brent Wood
pcreso at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 10 12:32:04 PDT 2020
I have been using a custom Albers Equal Area for gridding data for some years - setting it up in Postgis, R & QGIS.
+proj=aea +lat_1=-30 +lat_2=-50 +lat_0=-40 +lon_0=175 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
It is still working fine in my old QGIS 2.18, and in Postgis v2.4.eg (with this projection added to spatial_ref_sys as #27201):
select ST_ASText(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(175,-40),4326),27201));(returns)POINT(0 0)
I have installed QGIS 3.10 and it rejects this definition - "This proj projection definition is not valid" and just says ERROR when testing it with 175/-40 (which should give the 0,0 coords that both QGIS v2.18 & Postgis v2.4 return)
This was ratified as EPSG::9191 last year - and I can't see why it fails.
Any advice appreciated!!
Brent Wood
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