[Qgis-user] WMS Layer

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sat May 2 00:23:02 PDT 2020

On 5/1/20 4:54 PM, Ivan lebedev wrote:
> Hello!
> Please tell me how to connect a raster layer url like this:
> https://pkk.rosreestr.ru/arcgis/rest/services/PKK6/Cadastre/MapServer/export?dpi=96&format=PNG32&bbox=(8283322.79,8906432.27,8303632.95,8939167.78)&bboxSR=102100&imageSR=102100&size=1024%2C1024&transparent=true&f=image

Hi Ivan,

This is not a normal OGC-WMS but a Arcgis Mapserver.
I'm not so familiar with the exact syntax of it's url's, but maybe Nyall
knows more

If you go to:


You will see it's list of layers.

QGIS should be able to show those layers, by loading it as a 'ArcGIS Map
Server' layer (see Data Source Manager and screenshot). You should
create a new connection using the url:


Then you see the layers it is serving.

To be honest I was not able to SEE one... I found you should use
ESRI:102100 as CRS/projection (apparently an old Google
Mercator-sister). But I also cannot read the layers so hopefully you can
try more. Please report back if you manage to make this work.

@Nyall: Normally the project takes the CRS of the first layer you load,
but in this case apparently QGIS is not aware of that and tries
EPSG:3857 = Google Popular Mercator.

@Nyall: I thought to link to some documentation page of ArcGIS
Mapserver, but I cannot find it? Any pointers?


Richard Duivenvoorde

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