May 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 1 07:54:29 PDT 2020
Ending: Sun May 31 17:40:05 PDT 2020
Messages: 357
- [Qgis-user] TIN Interpolation Error
Maria Alicandro
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
Hernán De Angelis
- [Qgis-user] Error: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory - After installing QGIS 3.10 LTR
Neil B
- [Qgis-user] advice on which CRS to use
Neil B
- [Qgis-user] Topology
Neil B
- [Qgis-user] Update the explanation of 9.4.20 exercice
Jordi Badia
- [Qgis-user] Snapping
Amila Bajic
- [Qgis-user] Geometry snapper
Amila Bajic
- [Qgis-user] error
Amila Bajic
- [Qgis-user] Difference results from QGIS project on fly and gdalwarp for EPSG:4326 of Sentinel 2 UTM zone 32?
Pham Huu Bang
- [Qgis-user] Error: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory - After installing QGIS 3.10 LTR
Marie Anna Baovola
- [Qgis-user] Error: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory - After installing QGIS 3.10 LTR
Marie Anna Baovola
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul)
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate latitude/longitude from a cell phone (QGIS.USER)
Jan Becket
- [Qgis-user] Multi users environment: From geopackage to a database?
Jésahel Benoist
- [Qgis-user] Multi users environment: From geopackage to a database?
Jésahel Benoist
- [Qgis-user] Multi users environment: From geopackage to a database?
Jésahel Benoist
- [Qgis-user] Features geometry/attributes inconsistency ?
Jésahel Benoist
- [Qgis-user] Features geometry/attributes inconsistency ?
Jésahel Benoist
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
Jésahel Benoist
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Jésahel Benoist
- [Qgis-user] Fwd: Question
Nikos Benos
- [Qgis-user] distance to the coast
Nikos Benos
- [Qgis-user] A toast to our community
Marco Bernasocchi
- [Qgis-user] FW: Help with georeferencing AGD66 Topo map
Rick Bishop
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Johanna Botman
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Johanna Botman
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Johanna Botman
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Johanna Botman
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Johanna Botman
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Johanna Botman
- [Qgis-user] Seeking support for drill hole module
Grant Boxer
- [Qgis-user] Error for new download 3.12.3
Grant Boxer
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Earth Sciences and Geology Support
Grant Boxer
- [Qgis-user] sampling points from multipe rasters
Matt Boyd
- [Qgis-user] combining fragmented forests
Frank Broniewski
- [Qgis-user] WMS Layer
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Captioning raster layers
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Captioning raster layers
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Fwd: Question
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] combining fragmented forests
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] error
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Temporary shape file
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] error "Cannot zoom to selectet feature(s): No extent could be determined.""
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Request for help
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Hillshade as layer property vs. Processing Toolbox GDAL hillshade
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Reclassify classes vetor points
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Reclassify classes vetor points
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] How to expose an algorithm in SAGA provider
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] QGIS has the virus Hacktool.Win64.NirCMD.SM?
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] QGIS has the virus Hacktool.Win64.NirCMD.SM?
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work SOLVED
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Topology
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Raster
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from, a cell phone
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] manual classification tool?
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Connecting to WMS does not work
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] QGIS file flagged as virus
Rafa García Castillo
- [Qgis-user] AGM results
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-user] distance to the coast
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-user] Current status: multiple versions on Mac
- [Qgis-user] inserting a new place or feature
- [Qgis-user] QGIS has the virus Hacktool.Win64.NirCMD.SM?
- [Qgis-user] (no subject)
Antonio Corbo
- [Qgis-user] message1
António Francisco Alves Cunha
- [Qgis-user] Problem density buildings in buffer
Riccardo D'Alvito
- [Qgis-user] Maximum value - attribute table
Riccardo D'Alvito
- [Qgis-user] Isochrones
Riccardo D'Alvito
- [Qgis-user] R: Isochrones
Riccardo D'Alvito
- [Qgis-user] Isochrone - problem
Riccardo D'Alvito
- [Qgis-user] QGIS forum?
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] Cost effective illustrator software
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] Removing a layer name from the legend
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] Any interested funders for enhancing HTML labels for 3.14?
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Authentication to an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Authentication to an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] QGIS has the virus Hacktool.Win64.NirCMD.SM?
Bob and Deb
- [Qgis-user] QGIS has the virus Hacktool.Win64.NirCMD.SM?
Bob and Deb
- [Qgis-user] QGIS has the virus Hacktool.Win64.NirCMD.SM?
Bob and Deb
- [Qgis-user] error "Cannot zoom to selectet feature(s): No extent could be determined.""
- [Qgis-user] PostGIS Views in QGIS 3.10
Vera Diaz-Köhli
- [Qgis-user] WMS Layer
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [Qgis-user] "Oops! No help available"
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [Qgis-user] "Oops! No help available"
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [Qgis-user] Adding folder location to Browser - Favorites with Python
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Earth Sciences and Geology Support
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [Qgis-user] Captioning raster layers
Patrick Dunford
- [Qgis-user] Install Python packages on Mac with other Python installations
Bill Farrand
- [Qgis-user] Geometry Generator - Generating buffered points from polys
David Fawcett
- [Qgis-user] Error in Zonal statistic ?
Lene Fischer
- [Qgis-user] Error in Zonal statistic ?
Lene Fischer
- [Qgis-user] error
Mike Flannigan
- [Qgis-user] Subject: Current status: multiple versions on Mac
Garth Fletcher
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Garth Fletcher
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Garth Fletcher
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell, phone
Garth Fletcher
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from, a cell phone
Garth Fletcher
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from, a cell phone
Garth Fletcher
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell, phone
Garth Fletcher
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell, phone
Garth Fletcher
- [Qgis-user] Dumb USGS geotiff questions
Morgan Fletcher
- [Qgis-user] Close QGIS via PyQGIS
Ujaval Gandhi
- [Qgis-user] Close QGIS via PyQGIS
Ujaval Gandhi
- [Qgis-user] Isochrones
Ujaval Gandhi
- [Qgis-user] 3D Map View blank but no crash (windows 7)
Ujaval Gandhi
- [Qgis-user] GDAL problems on Mac 10.14.6
Andrea Giudiceandrea
- [Qgis-user] How to convert netcdf (with many bands) to ascii with QGIS?
Lennart Goeijenbier
- [Qgis-user] How to convert netcdf (with many bands) to ascii?
Lennart Goeijenbier
- [Qgis-user] Shifting WMTS layer
Stephane Goldstein
- [Qgis-user] Removing a layer name from the legend
Anita Graser
- [Qgis-user] Removing a layer name from the legend
Anita Graser
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
Anita Graser
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
Anita Graser
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
Anita Graser
- [Qgis-user] Temporary shape file
Axel Gravier
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Randal Hale
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
C Hamilton
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
C Hamilton
- [Qgis-user] "Oops! No help available"
- [Qgis-user] combining fragmented forests (RMG)
Michael Harte
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Earth Sciences and Geology Support
Régis Haubourg
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Earth Sciences and Geology Support
Régis Haubourg
- [Qgis-user] manual classification tool?
Régis Haubourg
- [Qgis-user] combining fragmented forests (RMG)
Falk Huettmann
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Falk Huettmann
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Falk Huettmann
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Falk Huettmann
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Mike Hyslop
- [Qgis-user] Seeking support for drill hole module
- [Qgis-user] Dumb USGS geotiff questions
- [Qgis-user] Close QGIS via PyQGIS
Christoph Jung
- [Qgis-user] Close QGIS via PyQGIS
Christoph Jung
- [Qgis-user] Close QGIS via PyQGIS
Christoph Jung
- [Qgis-user] qgis on IPAD PRO
Christoph Jung
- [Qgis-user] distance to the coast
Christoph Jung
- [Qgis-user] Connecting to WMS does not work
Christoph Jung
- [Qgis-user] Connecting to WMS does not work
Christoph Jung
- [Qgis-user] QGIS 3.10: Dimensioning with on-board equipment
Karl Magnus Jönsson
- [Qgis-user] Multi users environment: From geopackage to a database?
Stefan Keller
- [Qgis-user] distance to the coast
Ville Koivisto
- [Qgis-user] Topology
Pepijn Koops
- [Qgis-user] Current status: multiple versions on Mac
William Kyngesburye
- [Qgis-user] Export GeoPDF Mac
John Layt
- [Qgis-user] Adding feature to PostGIS layer that has joins is really slow
Nuno Lopes
- [Qgis-user] Adding feature to PostGIS layer that has joins is really slow
Nuno Lopes
- [Qgis-user] Adding feature to PostGIS layer that has joins is really slow
Nuno Lopes
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
- [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 171, Issue 17
Chavoux Luyt
- [Qgis-user] Making a copyright free historical street map
Hamish Macdonald
- [Qgis-user] inserting a new place or feature
Hamish Macdonald
- [Qgis-user] Cost effective illustrator software
Hamish Macdonald
- [Qgis-user] Cost effective illustrator software
Hamish Macdonald
- [Qgis-user] Insert vs ‘read only file message)
Hamish Macdonald
- [Qgis-user] Problem opening QGIS upgrade
Hamish Macdonald
- [Qgis-user] manual classification tool?
Werner Macho
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Madry, Scott
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Madry, Scott
- [Qgis-user] Import non-spatial table from ODBC?
Luca Manganelli
- [Qgis-user] How to expose an algorithm in SAGA provider
Niccolò Marchi
- [Qgis-user] R: How to expose an algorithm in SAGA provider
Niccolò Marchi
- [Qgis-user] QGIS 3.10: Dimensioning with on-board equipment
Richard McDonnell
- [Qgis-user] QGIS 3.10: Dimensioning with on-board equipment
Richard McDonnell
- [Qgis-user] Cost effective illustrator software
Jeff McKenna
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Authentication to an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal
Warren Medernach
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Authentication to an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal
Warren Medernach
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Authentication to an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal
Warren Medernach
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from, a cell phone
- [Qgis-user] Isochrones
Márcio Midon
- [Qgis-user] S57 creation/export
Jonathan Moules
- [Qgis-user] Mergin plugin - Hanging QGIS on startup
Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ)
- [Qgis-user] PostGIS Views in QGIS 3.10
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] Hillshade as layer property vs. Processing Toolbox GDAL hillshade
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] Hillshade as layer property vs. Processing Toolbox GDAL hillshade
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] Seeking support for drill hole module
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] manual classification tool?
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] manual classification tool?
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] Cost effective illustrator software
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] Multi users environment: From geopackage to a database?
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] A System Administrator Guide to Support QGIS
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] PostGIS Views in QGIS 3.10
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] QGIS has the virus Hacktool.Win64.NirCMD.SM?
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] Export GeoPDF Mac
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] Export GeoPDF Mac
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] Seeking support for drill hole module
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] error "Cannot zoom to selectet feature(s): No extent could be determined.""
Simon Niederbacher
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
Raymond Nijssen
- [Qgis-user] manual classification tool?
Raymond Nijssen
- [Qgis-user] manual classification tool?
Raymond Nijssen
- [Qgis-user] manual classification tool?
Raymond Nijssen
- [Qgis-user] manual classification tool?
Raymond Nijssen
- [Qgis-user] Cost effective illustrator software
Alexander Numann
- [Qgis-user] QGIS forum?
Robert Nuske
- [Qgis-user] Multi users environment: From geopackage to a database?
Robert Nuske
- [Qgis-user] Relations in .qlr not restored ?
Alessandro Pasotti
- [Qgis-user] Connecting to WMS does not work
Alessandro Pasotti
- [Qgis-user] Save projects to DB without creator's permissions
Alessandro Pasotti
- [Qgis-user] Unable to save project to PostgreSQL
Cliff Patterson
- [Qgis-user] Unable to save project to PostgreSQL
Cliff Patterson
- [Qgis-user] Save projects to DB without creator's permissions
Cliff Patterson
- [Qgis-user] Save projects to DB without creator's permissions
Cliff Patterson
- [Qgis-user] Save projects to DB without creator's permissions
Cliff Patterson
- [Qgis-user] Save projects to DB without creator's permissions
Cliff Patterson
- [Qgis-user] Import non-spatial table from ODBC?
Francesco Pelullo
- [Qgis-user] Export GeoPDF Mac
Matthew Peters
- [Qgis-user] Current status: multiple versions on Mac
Peter Petrik
- [Qgis-user] Current status: multiple versions on Mac
Aldo Piombino
- [Qgis-user] QGIS forum?
Erich Purpur
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from, a cell phone
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from, a cell phone
- [Qgis-user] R: How to expose an algorithm in SAGA provider
Alexis R.L.
- [Qgis-user] combining fragmented forests
- [Qgis-user] combining fragmented forests
- [Qgis-user] GDAL problems on Mac 10.14.6
- [Qgis-user] GDAL problems on Mac 10.14.6
- [Qgis-user] A System Administrator Guide to Support QGIS
Rana, Sanjay
- [Qgis-user] How to convert netcdf (with many bands) to ascii?
Saber Razmjooei
- [Qgis-user] Current status: multiple versions on Mac
Saber Razmjooei
- [Qgis-user] qgis on IPAD PRO
Saber Razmjooei
- [Qgis-user] 3D Map View blank but no crash (windows 7)
Saber Razmjooei
- [Qgis-user] Raster
William Reynolds
- [Qgis-user] qgis on IPAD PRO
Giovanni Rinaldi
- [Qgis-user] cover and back cover using atlas in qgis3
Poltini Roberto
- [Qgis-user] Error: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory - After installing QGIS 3.10 LTR
Jorge Gustavo Rocha
- [Qgis-user] Adding folder location to Browser - Favorites with Python
Jorge Gustavo Rocha
- [Qgis-user] Unable to save project to PostgreSQL
Jorge Gustavo Rocha
- [Qgis-user] Save projects to DB without creator's permissions
Jorge Gustavo Rocha
- [Qgis-user] S57 creation/export
Even Rouault
- [Qgis-user] Snapping
Angie Rudolph
- [Qgis-user] advice on which CRS to use
Stephen Sacks
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Stephen Sacks
- [Qgis-user] 3D Map View blank but no crash (windows 7)
Kakoli Saha
- [Qgis-user] Viewshed From Specific Elevation?
Kirk Schmidt
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Kirk Schmidt
- [Qgis-user] "Oops! No help available"
Thomas Schüttenberg
- [Qgis-user] "Oops! No help available"
Thomas Schüttenberg
- [Qgis-user] Adding folder location to Browser - Favorites with Python
Seggie, Graeme
- [Qgis-user] Adding folder location to Browser - Favorites with Python
Seggie, Graeme
- [Qgis-user] Reclassify classes vetor points
Marcelo Francisco Sestini
- [Qgis-user] Python json access
Steve Sgalowski
- [Qgis-user] Current status: multiple versions on Mac
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] Hillshade as layer property vs. Processing Toolbox GDAL hillshade
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] Hillshade as layer property vs. Processing Toolbox GDAL hillshade
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] Hillshade as layer property vs. Processing Toolbox GDAL hillshade
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] Hillshade as layer property vs. Processing Toolbox GDAL hillshade
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work SOLVED
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from, a cell phone
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from, a cell phone
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Maria Shinoto
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Request for help
Chisanga Siwale
- [Qgis-user] sampling points from multipe rasters
Tyler Smith
- [Qgis-user] sampling points from multipe rasters
Tyler Smith
- [Qgis-user] Export GeoPDF Mac
Adam Sneath
- [Qgis-user] query of a layer from another layer in select by expression
Patrick St-Hilaire
- [Qgis-user] distance to the coast
Håvard Tveite
- [Qgis-user] cover and back cover using atlas in qgis3
Håvard Tveite
- [Qgis-user] Error at opening .hdf MODIS layer in QGIS 3.12
- [Qgis-user] QGIS with Garmin Glo
Martin Valiquette
- [Qgis-user] Catalog OTF
Tyler Veinot
- [Qgis-user] Error in Zonal statistic ?
Pedro Venâncio
- [Qgis-user] Isochrones
Pedro Venâncio
- [Qgis-user] distance to the coast
Bernd Vogelgesang
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Bernd Vogelgesang
- [Qgis-user] Topology
Bernd Vogelgesang
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell, phone
Bernd Vogelgesang
- [Qgis-user] Relations in .qlr not restored ?
Yann Voté
- [Qgis-user] query of a layer from another layer in select by expression
Yann Voté
- [Qgis-user] query of a layer from another layer in select by expression
Yann Voté
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
Martin Weis
- [Qgis-user] Cost effective illustrator software
Benjamin Wragg
- [Qgis-user] Error for new download 3.12.3
Phil Wyatt
- [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 171, Issue 1
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] FW: Help with georeferencing AGD66 Topo map
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 171, Issue 4
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] Export GeoPDF Mac
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 171, Issue 43
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] Install Python packages on Mac with other Python installations
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 171, Issue 43
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] problem with chapter 9.4.20 of the exercises
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] Fw: Qgis-user Digest, Vol 171, Issue 43
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] Question on Aequilibrae
- [Qgis-user] Question on Aequilibrae
- [Qgis-user] QGIS 3.10: Dimensioning with on-board equipment
hdienst47 at
- [Qgis-user] QGIS 3.10: Dimensioning with on-board equipment
hdienst47 at
- [Qgis-user] problem with chapter 9.4.20 of the exercises
jordi badia
- [Qgis-user] Viewshed From Specific Elevation?
cgray at
- [Qgis-user] Viewshed From Specific Elevation?
cgray at
- [Qgis-user] Adding feature to PostGIS layer that has joins is really slow
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] Adding feature to PostGIS layer that has joins is really slow
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server, multi users and QGIS v3+
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] combining fragmented forests
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] Snapping
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] Error: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory - After installing QGIS 3.10 LTR
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] Map contest: mapping Pi for the 3.14 splash screen
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] vector point grid to raster grid -- pixel size does not work
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] Problem density buildings in buffer
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] Maximum value - attribute table
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] manual classification tool?
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] Save projects to DB without creator's permissions
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] Error: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.4": No such file or directory - After installing QGIS 3.10 LTR
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] Captioning raster layers
- [Qgis-user] Captioning raster layers
- [Qgis-user] Captioning raster layers
- [Qgis-user] Help with georeferencing AGD66 Topo map (Rick Bishop)
Iain at
- [Qgis-user] Wishing for accurate latitude/longitude from my phone
Iain at
- [Qgis-user] Wishing for accurate latitude/longitude from a mobile phone
Iain at
- [Qgis-user] QGIS file flagged as virus
j.m at
- [Qgis-user] Error for new download 3.12.3
j.m at
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
j.m at
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
j.m at
- [Qgis-user] Viewshed From Specific Elevation?
- [Qgis-user] WMS Layer
Ivan lebedev
- [Qgis-user] WMS Layer
Ivan lebedev
- [Qgis-user] QGIS forum?
Ivan lebedev
- [Qgis-user] Rule based style dependent on selection in another layer
- [Qgis-user] Multi users environment: From geopackage to a database?
brunos at
- [Qgis-user] A toast to our community
masanderoff at
- [Qgis-user] S57 creation/export
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
j.huber at
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
j.huber at
- [Qgis-user] Maximum value - attribute table
j.huber at
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
j.huber at
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from, a cell phone
j.huber at
- [Qgis-user] (no subject)
qgis-user at
- [Qgis-user] Fwd: Question
qgis-user at
- [Qgis-user] Maximum value - attribute table
qgis-user at
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
qgis-user at
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell phone
qgis-user at
- [Qgis-user] wishing for accurate lattitude/longitude from a cell, phone
qgis-user at
Last message date:
Sun May 31 17:40:05 PDT 2020
Archived on: Sun May 31 17:40:20 PDT 2020
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).