[Qgis-user] QGIS Earth Sciences and Geology Support

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Tue May 26 10:05:36 PDT 2020

On 5/26/20 6:59 PM, RĂ©gis Haubourg wrote:
> QGeologis allows to read QGIS datasources and import data specifically,
> just like other plugins. We believe that the OGC has a standard data
> model in with GeoSciML [1] . Moreover, SensorThing API should help a lot
> to provide more interoperability to those tools and we would be glad to
> keep exploring in this way.

May I plug the  FROST-Server implementation from Fraunhofer [0] here
then, IF you are going to play with STA :-)
We do have some experience with that, and it very performant even with
hundreds of thousands of measuring points in the postgis db.


Richard Duivenvoorde

[0] https://github.com/FraunhoferIOSB/FROST-Server

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