[Qgis-user] distance to the coast

Christoph Jung jagodki.cj at gmail.com
Thu May 21 03:31:12 PDT 2020


Besides the mentioned methods: if you also need the points on your coastline, the plugin Closest Points might be useful. It will calculate the closest points on the coastline for all of your features of your point layer. The result layer provides a field with the id’s of your input layer to create a join after running the plugin (and with the join, you can calculate the distance). 


> Am 21.05.2020 um 08:40 schrieb Nikos Benos <nbenos at uoi.gr>:
> Hello everybody,
> As I am new to QGIS, I have the following question.
> I have a shapefile of the coastline of Greece and I want to compute the minimum distance (haversine for now) between points contained in a csv file and the sea. How can I do that?
> Thank you very much in advance for your help.
> Best wishes,
> Nikos Benos
> -- 
> Dr Nikos Benos
> Associate Professor
> Department of Economics
> University of Ioannina
> University Campus
> 45110 Ioannina
> Tel: +30-26510-05955
> Fax: +30-26510-05092
> e-mail: nbenos at uoi.gr
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