[Qgis-user] Migration to Linux

Hernán De Angelis dhdeangelis at comhem.se
Fri Sep 4 01:28:17 PDT 2020

Although not mentioned very often, openSUSE is also a user friendly, 
stable and high quality distro. I am a user since 2005 and have seldom 
had any problem in all those years. As for QGIS and other geotools there 
is the Application:Geo repository that is well updated and maintained. 
My choice however is to compile QGIS from source every once in a while. 
It is not so difficult as it sounds but perhaps not everyone's cup of tea.


On 2020-09-04 10:19, Alexandre Neto wrote:
> Hello,
> QGIS from Ubuntu repositories are generally very outdated. For that 
> reason, we always suggest you to add a QGIS project PPA repository and 
> install a more recent version.
> Here you can find instructions on how to add the QGIS PPA repository 
> in ubuntu based machines and install QGIS 3.14:
> https://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/alldownloads.html#quickstart
> If you want to install QGIS 3.10 LTR, which I suggest you do, you will 
> need to read about the different repositories bellow. Basically, you 
> need to replace the URL in the quickstart instructions by this one:
> https://qgis.org/ubuntu-ltr
> Best regards,
> Alexandre Neto
> QGIS Support
> www.qcooperative.net <http://www.qcooperative.net>
> A quinta, 3/09/2020, 13:47, Jo <winfixit at gmail.com 
> <mailto:winfixit at gmail.com>> escreveu:
>     I'm also using QGIS on Linux Mint.
>     On Thu, Sep 3, 2020 at 2:33 PM Mike Flannigan <mikeflan at att.net
>     <mailto:mikeflan at att.net>> wrote:
>         I moved from Win to Linux about a year ago.  I tried
>         Ubuntu first.  Due to difficulties installing QGIS
>         I moved to Mint, which worked immediately from the
>         software manager with an older version if I remember
>         correcly.  I worked quite a while on installing QGIS
>         on Ubuntu because I really wanted to use Ubuntu.
>         You can go back to 10/19/2019 in the list archives, or
>         you can see the discussion here:
>         http://www.mflan.com/temp/re_[qgis-user]_problems_with_development_version.eml
>         <http://www.mflan.com/temp/re_%5Bqgis-user%5D_problems_with_development_version.eml>
>         Mike
>         On 9/3/20 2:22 AM, qgis-user-request at lists.osgeo.org
>         <mailto:qgis-user-request at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
>         > Hi,
>         >
>         > Why I will probably go Linux on my Windows 7 laptop. The
>         desktop will probably need to stay on Windows because of the
>         other stuff.  I don’t want a dual boot.
>         >
>         > What disto would you consider that makes it easy for
>         inexperienced Linux users. Seems like every time I installed
>         Ubuntu, I ended up breaking it beyond repair...
>         >
>         > Any GIS friendly distros to recommend?
>         >
>         > Nicolas Cadieux
>         > Ça va bien aller!
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