[Qgis-user] WMS Image Projection

Springfield Harrison stellargps at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 17:37:16 PDT 2021

Hello All,

Re obtaining orthophotos from a WMS server.

Locally we have orthophotos that can be brought into QGIS using the WMS 
service.  They are also viewable on the local government web map 
service.  In both cases I can compare them to the property lines which 
are from the same source.

On the government web pages (2), the orthophotos and the lot lines 
appear to coincide very well.  In QGIS, the same two layers are quite 

One would suspect a CRS problem but changing the CRS of the Project and 
the WMS image in QGIS has no effect.  Even followed the tutorial to no 

I'm attaching screen shots of the two results.  Ant thoughts would be 
appreciated, thank you . . . .

Cheers, Springfield Harrison

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