[Qgis-user] How to set field alias expression in PyQGIS ?

Yann Voté ygversil at lilo.org
Thu Apr 8 06:40:40 PDT 2021

Hi list,

I'm stuck at configuring field alias expressions programmatically, 
didn't found helplful documentation, so any help would be appreciated.

What I want is the field label in form to looks like "Code (last used: 
XXX)" where XXX is, well, the last used code. And this is easily done in 
GUI, in the layer properties, form tab (feature introduced in 3.14).

But I want to do it programmatically in PyQGIS. What I tried so far is 
the following two lines

 >>> prop = QgsProperty.fromExpression("format('Code (last used: %1)', 
maximum(code))", isActive=True)

But then the following command


still returns False.

What am I missing ?

Thx a lot!

Yann Voté - ygversil at lilo.org

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