[Qgis-user] Qgis low CPU and Memory load

Stewart Holt stewartbholt at gmail.com
Thu Apr 15 17:55:45 PDT 2021

Your I-7 likely has 4 or more logical processors. The only way to go over
100/N where N is the number of processors is to have 2 or more things
(continuously) running simultaneously (like loading a complex web page in a
browser). Scripts are going to run as a single stream which will bounce
around between processors, giving an average user of 100/N% If you have 4
processors, 25% would be from the script and another 5% handling disk I/O,
network, and other Windows tasks. That would result in the 30% you see.
Parallelizing script execution is complex and I doubt that it is currently
done in QGIS.

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 1:03 PM Wolfgang Meinolf <
wmeinolf at bbv-deutschland.de> wrote:

> Dear Community,
> I use Qgis quite a while under win10 and ubuntu (via Oracle VM Box). My
> FTTH scripts include GRASS i.e. v.net.steiner algorithm, which are quite
> CPU and memory intensive. However I never observed more than 30% CPU and
> never more than appx 4GB mem usage. My Hardware is Intel I7, 32GB Ram and
> 1000TB SSD. At same time I don’t observe any other activities i.e. on
> network. I installed OsGEO4W the 64bit Version. I’. currently on 3.18.1
> I have however the impression to use a 32bit version.
> I would appreciate any hint, how I can increase the CPU and MEM Load, to
> accelerate my scripts, which run usually quite a while. What do I wrong?
> Thanks in advance and best regards from Bavaria.
> Wolfgang
> --------------------------------------------
> QGIS-Version
> 3.18.1-Zürich
> QGIS-Codeversion
> 202f1bf7e5 <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/commit/202f1bf7e5>
> Kompiliert gegen Qt
> 5.11.2
> Laufendes Qt
> 5.11.2
> Kompiliert mit GDAL/OGR
> 3.1.4
> Läuft mit GDAL/OGR
> 3.1.4
> Kompiliert mit GEOS
> 3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3
> Läuft mit GEOS
> 3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3
> Kompiliert mit SQLite
> 3.29.0
> Läuft mit SQLite
> 3.29.0
> PostgreSQL-Client-Version
> 11.5
> SpatiaLite-Version
> 4.3.0
> QWT-Version
> 6.1.3
> QScintilla2-Version
> 2.10.8
> Kompiliert mit PROJ
> 6.3.2
> Läuft mit PROJ
> Rel. 6.3.2, May 1st, 2020
> BS-Version
> Windows 10 (10.0)
> Aktive Python-Erweiterungen
> alkisplugin;
> closest_points;
> disconnected-islands;
> ImportPhotos;
> joinmultiplelines;
> lizmap;
> meinotestplugin;
> mmqgis;
> networks;
> ORStools;
> pluginbuilder3;
> qchainage;
> qgis-bulk-nominatim-master;
> Qgis2threejs;
> qgis2web;
> QuickOSM;
> quick_map_services;
> refFunctions;
> db_manager;
> MetaSearch;
> processing
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