[Qgis-user] New installation of QGIS on Suse Leap 15.2 does not launch

Ko van Huissteden Ko.van.Huissteden at Kytalyk.nl
Mon Apr 26 12:46:50 PDT 2021

Dear list members,

I have a new installation of SUSE linux 15.2, and tried to install QGIS 
Zurich version.

Installation was done with the normal SUSE package installer (Yast) from 
the repository listed on the QGIS website, I tried also with zypper.

However it does not launch. If I try to start it from the console I get 
the message:

qgis: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libqgis_core.so.3.18.2: undefined 
symbol: GEOSCoordSeq_setXY_r

With installing the LTR version (Hanover) it's the same trouble.

This looks like some library mismatch in the package. Any tips on how to 
overcome this?


Ko van Huissteden

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