[Qgis-user] Raster values in vector attributes - multipart geometries

Giacomo Uguccioni giacomo.uguccioni at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 05:43:15 PST 2021

A warm greeting to all,
I ask you for help.
I have to fill a column of a shapefile (which I believe is a multi-part
geometry but I have to verify) with the Z (elevation) information.
I would like to ask for the elevation from an online DEM resource, relying
on the coordinates of the feature, but for now I am happy to be able to
query a dem that I load in the same qgis project.
The raster_value function does not work with multi-part geometries (it
returns NULL), while the sampling raster values algorithms create a new
layer, fact that must not happen for other reasons related to the sharing
format of the qgis project.
Can you give me some suggestions or some solutions? thank you so much

*Giacomo Uguccioni*
*Geospatial Data Acquisition & Processing*
+39 3920431219
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