[Qgis-user] Raster values in vector attributes - multipart geometries

Nicolas Cadieux njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 11:37:10 PST 2021


Multi-part geometries can complicate things.  The best way is to use 
Vector/Geometry tools/Multipart to Single part. You can also try the 
zonal statistics module found in the processing toolbox.


On 2021-02-25 8:43 a.m., Giacomo Uguccioni wrote:
> A warm greeting to all,
> I ask you for help.
> I have to fill a column of a shapefile (which I believe is a 
> multi-part geometry but I have to verify) with the Z (elevation) 
> information.
> I would like to ask for the elevation from an online DEM resource, 
> relying on the coordinates of the feature, but for now I am happy to 
> be able to query a dem that I load in the same qgis project.
> The raster_value function does not work with multi-part geometries (it 
> returns NULL), while the sampling raster values algorithms create a 
> new layer, fact that must not happen for other reasons related to the 
> sharing format of the qgis project.
> Can you give me some suggestions or some solutions? thank you so much
> -- 
> *Giacomo Uguccioni*
> *Geospatial Data Acquisition & Processing*
> +39 3920431219
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Nicolas Cadieux

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