[Qgis-user] QGIS exported layers lose defined CRS definition

Eric Seymour ecseymour at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 07:37:55 PDT 2021


I have layers stored in a Spatialite database with a defined CRS of 102707 (
https://spatialreference.org/ref/esri/102707/). When I select features from
this layer and export them back to the database from within QGIS (3.4.4),
using the same CRS, the resulting layer has a CRS of USER:100001. The
parameters are the same, e.g., the same latitude of origin, but I want the
exported tables to be clearly identified with the 102707 CRS. I have never
encountered this problem with other CRSs. Does anyone have any idea why
this would happen for some CRSs?

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