July 2021 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jul 1 02:05:49 PDT 2021
Ending: Sat Jul 31 14:51:51 PDT 2021
Messages: 219
- [Qgis-user] Did you know this about GeoPackage layers?
Stefan Giese (WhereGroup)
- [Qgis-user] Import Kmz without losing the symbology
Stefan Giese (WhereGroup)
- [Qgis-user] Import Kmz without losing the symbology
Stefan Giese (WhereGroup)
- [Qgis-user] Find / checkout different branches Github
- [Qgis-user] using georferenced PDF map files as layers
Ramon Andinach
- [Qgis-user] Processing Toolbox does not open any tools
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Processing Toolbox does not open any tools
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Import Kmz without losing the symbology
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Import Kmz without losing the symbology
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Import Kmz without losing the symbology
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Group Statistics Tool
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Group Statistics Tool
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Raster to Vector without losing the symbology
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Group Statistics Tool
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Fiber network Cables
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Fiber network Cables
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Fiber network Cables
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Fiber network Cables
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] Single lines for road network
krishna Ayyala
- [Qgis-user] QGIS exported layers lose defined CRS definition
Neil B
- [Qgis-user] Saving and exporting filters
Kahlen Branning
- [Qgis-user] Saving and exporting filters
Kahlen Branning
- [Qgis-user] Missing plug-ins in vers 3.20
Pat Brown
- [Qgis-user] Missing plugins in version 3.20
Pat Brown
- [Qgis-user] Missing plugins in version 3.20
Pat Brown
- [Qgis-user] Fiber network Cables
Alexander Bruy
- [Qgis-user] Problem using Model Inputs variable in an Select by expression in the model Designer
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Combining two layers
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] QGIS exported layers lose defined CRS definition
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Raster layer properties panel issue
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Group Statistics Tool
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Group Statistics Tool
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Raster to Vector without losing the symbology
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Raster to Vector without losing the symbology
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Raster to Vector without losing the symbology
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Raster to Vector without losing the symbology
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Problem using Model Inputs variable in an Select by expression in the model Designer
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Problem using Model Inputs variable in an Select by expression in the model Designer
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Export Map Information to Google Maps
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Converting from degree decimal into degree-minutes-secondes
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Building Historical Maps
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Fiber network Cables
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Fiber network Cables
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] Fiber network Cables
Nicolas Cadieux
- [Qgis-user] [Qgis user] Server plugin - exclude empty layer groups in GetCapabilities response
Marco Casalboni
- [Qgis-user] [Qgis user] Server plugin - exclude empty layer groups in GetCapabilities response
Marco Casalboni
- [Qgis-user] Layer extent
Marco Casalboni
- [Qgis-user] Offsetting rotated labels proportionate to variable angles/rotations
Marco Casalboni
- [Qgis-user] Layer extent
Marco Casalboni
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server connection on Linux
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server connection on Linux
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-user] install freewat
TADE Chouaïb
- [Qgis-user] install freewat
TADE Chouaïb
- [Qgis-user] Export Map Information to Google Maps
James Cobban
- [Qgis-user] Building Historical Maps
James Cobban
- [Qgis-user] set null or no data pixels from other raster using raster calculator
Gabriel Cotlier
- [Qgis-user] QGIS2Web - Settings info
Riccardo D'Alvito
- [Qgis-user] using georferenced PDF map files as layers
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] Import Kmz without losing the symbology
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] Rasters in print layout are not aligned 3.20
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] [QGIS-Developer] Bug with GeoPackage and Expressions?
Nyall Dawson
- [Qgis-user] Processing Toolbox does not open any tools
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Offsetting rotated labels proportionate to variable angles/rotations
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Saving and exporting filters
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Missing plugins in version 3.20
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Missing plugins in version 3.20
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Missing plugins in version 3.20
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Problem using Model Inputs variable in an Select by expression in the model Designer
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Converting from degree decimal into degree-minutes-secondes
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] QGIS data source speed profiling
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Clipping WMS Layer for Export to Geo PDF
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Bathymetry data area coverage calculator
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Bathymetry data area coverage calculator
Charles Dixon-Paver
- [Qgis-user] Building Historical Maps
Saulteau Don
- [Qgis-user] Fwd: Fix table unique column
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [Qgis-user] ArcGIS RESTserver: table only layer possible or not?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [Qgis-user] Info: Linz Data Service plugin
Patrick Dunford
- [Qgis-user] PDAL to the rescue
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [Qgis-user] Missing plugins in version 3.20
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [Qgis-user] PDAL to the rescue
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] PDAL to the rescue
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] Missing plugins in version 3.20
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] Rasters in print layout are not aligned 3.20
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] Rasters in print layout are not aligned 3.20
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] Rasters in print layout are not aligned 3.20
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] Did you know this about GeoPackage layers?
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] Print Layout Vertical Aligment
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] Rasters in print layout are not aligned 3.20
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] Clip Tool query
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Drew French
- [Qgis-user] Offsetting rotated labels proportionate to variable angles/rotations
- [Qgis-user] Select by Expression: exclusive (not inclusive)
- [Qgis-user] PYQGIS Algorithm Dev Environments?
Ujaval Gandhi
- [Qgis-user] Uninstall QGIS 3.16.8 macOS?
Ujaval Gandhi
- [Qgis-user] QGIS V3.18 - V3.20 project file problems
Mathieu Gillot
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Andrea Giudiceandrea
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Andrea Giudiceandrea
- [Qgis-user] Qgis 3.20.1 installation fails
Andrea Giudiceandrea
- [Qgis-user] Qgis 3.20.1 installation fails
Andrea Giudiceandrea
- [Qgis-user] Problem installing QGIS on Ubuntu 20.04 - key authentification
Andrea Giudiceandrea
- [Qgis-user] ArcGIS RESTserver: table only layer possible or not?
Andrea Giudiceandrea
- [Qgis-user] Bug with GeoPackage and Expressions?
Anita Graser
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Richard Greenwood
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Richard Greenwood
- [Qgis-user] Bug with GeoPackage and Expressions?
Richard Greenwood
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Randal Hale
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Randal Hale
- [Qgis-user] Preview of the QGIS Earth, Sun, Moon, & Planets Plugin
C Hamilton
- [Qgis-user] points to lines - direction and lenghts attribute table
C Hamilton
- [Qgis-user] Import Kmz without losing the symbology
C Hamilton
- [Qgis-user] Import Kmz without losing the symbology
C Hamilton
- [Qgis-user] Export Map Information to Google Maps
C Hamilton
- [Qgis-user] Bug with GeoPackage and Expressions?
C Hamilton
- [Qgis-user] Bug with GeoPackage and Expressions?
C Hamilton
- [Qgis-user] [QGIS-Developer] Bug with GeoPackage and Expressions?
C Hamilton
- [Qgis-user] Raster to Vector without losing the symbology
Andy Harfoot
- [Qgis-user] Raster to Vector without losing the symbology
Andy Harfoot
- [Qgis-user] Select by Expression: exclusive (not inclusive)
Andy Harfoot
- [Qgis-user] Select by Expression: exclusive (not inclusive)
Andy Harfoot
- [Qgis-user] Uninstall QGIS 3.16.8 macOS?
Samuel Heichelbech
- [Qgis-user] Uninstall QGIS 3.16.8 macOS?
Samuel Heichelbech
- [Qgis-user] LecoS
Ursula Heinze
- [Qgis-user] Clipping WMS Layer for Export to Geo PDF
Stewart Holt
- [Qgis-user] Preview of the QGIS Earth, Sun, Moon, & Planets Plugin
Frank M. Howell
- [Qgis-user] Select by Expression: exclusive (not inclusive)
Andrew Hughes
- [Qgis-user] Select by Expression: exclusive (not inclusive)
Andrew Hughes
- [Qgis-user] Multiplicity in Model Input (Layers)
Andrew Hughes
- [Qgis-user] Multiplicity in Model Input (Layers)
Andrew Hughes
- [Qgis-user] Symbology using an expression to find a field with known suffix
Andrew Hughes
- [Qgis-user] PYQGIS Algorithm Dev Environments?
Andrew Hughes
- [Qgis-user] Did you know this about GeoPackage layers?
Delaz J
- [Qgis-user] Symbology using an expression to find a field with known suffix
Delaz J
- [Qgis-user] Apache Solr in QGIS
Christoph Jung
- [Qgis-user] QGIS data source speed profiling
Hugh Kelley
- [Qgis-user] Point-Layer from GPS-Coordinates
- [Qgis-user] GPS Points CRS and delete doubles
- [Qgis-user] GPS Points CRS and delete doubles
- [Qgis-user] GPS Points CRS and delete doubles
- [Qgis-user] Crash
- [Qgis-user] Crash
- [Qgis-user] Combining two layers
- [Qgis-user] Raster layer properties panel issue
Isabelle Lanzrein
- [Qgis-user] Uninstall QGIS 3.16.8 macOS?
John Layt
- [Qgis-user] points to lines - direction and lenghts attribute table
Azzurra Lentini
- [Qgis-user] Converting from degree decimal into degree-minutes-secondes
jean Lukusa
- [Qgis-user] Converting from degree decimal into degree-minutes-secondes
jean Lukusa
- [Qgis-user] Qgis 3.20.1 installation fails
jean Lukusa
- [Qgis-user] Qgis 3.20.1 installation fails
jean Lukusa
- [Qgis-user] Point-Layer from GPS-Coordinates
Werner Macho
- [Qgis-user] Problem using Model Inputs variable in an Select by expression in the model Designer
Richard McDonnell
- [Qgis-user] How to convert multiple features to single Feature - Shape file
Wolfgang Meinolf
- [Qgis-user] Data Traffic
Marcio Midon
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Fernando M. Roxo da Motta
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Fernando M. Roxo da Motta
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Fernando M. Roxo da Motta
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server connection on Linux
Fernando M. Roxo da Motta
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server connection on Linux
Fernando M. Roxo da Motta
- [Qgis-user] question
David Méndez
- [Qgis-user] Offsetting rotated labels proportionate to variable angles/rotations
Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ)
- [Qgis-user] QGIS V3.18 - V3.20 project file problems
Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ)
- [Qgis-user] Rasters in print layout are not aligned 3.20
Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ)
- [Qgis-user] Layer extent
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] Rasters in print layout are not aligned 3.20
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] Multiplicity in Model Input (Layers)
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] Select by Expression: exclusive (not inclusive)
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] Clip Tool query
Alexandre Neto
- [Qgis-user] Multiplicity in Model Input (Layers)
Andreas Neumann
- [Qgis-user] Find / checkout different branches Github
Raymond Nijssen
- [Qgis-user] Layer actions in one clic ?
Didier Peeters
- [Qgis-user] MS SQL Server connection on Linux
Andrea Peri
- [Qgis-user] Bathymetry data area coverage calculator
- [Qgis-user] Bathymetry data area coverage calculator
- [Qgis-user] Bathymetry data area coverage calculator
- [Qgis-user] Find / checkout different branches Github
- [Qgis-user] Find / checkout different branches Github
- [Qgis-user] PDAL to the rescue
Luigi Pirelli
- [Qgis-user] Crash
Luigi Pirelli
- [Qgis-user] QGIS V3.18 - V3.20 project file problems
- [Qgis-user] Tell QGIS 3.16 to use "mysql_native_password" auth
Victor Rodriguez
- [Qgis-user] [QGIS-Developer] Bug with GeoPackage and Expressions?
Even Rouault
- [Qgis-user] question on reference relation filter expression (using geometry)
Diego García del Río
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Server Log Stderr
Thomas Schüttenberg
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Server Log Stderr
Thomas Schüttenberg
- [Qgis-user] QGIS exported layers lose defined CRS definition
Eric Seymour
- [Qgis-user] Raster to Vector without losing the symbology
Craig Shelden
- [Qgis-user] What is meant by this - "Ballpark . . ." - Didn't start until last update
Jeff Sonnentag
- [Qgis-user] using georferenced PDF map files as layers
David Strip
- [Qgis-user] GPS Points CRS and delete doubles
David Strip
- [Qgis-user] Clipping WMS Layer for Export to Geo PDF
David Strip
- [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 185, Issue 32, 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Thomas Struller
- [Qgis-user] Find / checkout different branches Github
Ismail Sunni
- [Qgis-user] Re building historical maps
Robert Sweeny
- [Qgis-user] Fix table unique
Yamen Tekaji
- [Qgis-user] Fix table unique column
Yamen Tekaji
- [Qgis-user] Fwd: Fix table unique column
Yamen Tekaji
- [Qgis-user] R: QGIS Server, Lizmap / OpenLayer, QGIS2Web
Etienne Trimaille
- [Qgis-user] GPS Points CRS and delete doubles
Greg Troxel
- [Qgis-user] install freewat
Bernd Vogelgesang
- [Qgis-user] install freewat
Bernd Vogelgesang
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
Bernd Vogelgesang
- [Qgis-user] Combining two layers
Michael Williamson
- [Qgis-user] Oracle configuration switches
Paul Wittle
- [Qgis-user] Building Historical Maps
Phil Wyatt
- [Qgis-user] Select by Expression: exclusive (not inclusive)
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] Select by Expression: exclusive (not inclusive)
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] Select by Expression: exclusive (not inclusive)
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] Keep labels from changing in print layout?
Thayer Young
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
chris hermansen
- [Qgis-user] Qt QML form and Identify Features: resize vertically
- [Qgis-user] Building Historical Maps
- [Qgis-user] Clipping WMS Layer for Export to Geo PDF
- [Qgis-user] [Qgis user] Server plugin - exclude empty layer groups in GetCapabilities response
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Server Log Stderr
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Server Log Stderr
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Server Log Stderr
- [Qgis-user] 3.20.1 fails on Linux Mint
j.huber at post-ist-da.de
- [Qgis-user] QGIS Server Log Stderr
- [Qgis-user] using georferenced PDF map files as layers
robertdare at tpg.com.au
- [Qgis-user] Clip Tool query
shrawan tripathi
Last message date:
Sat Jul 31 14:51:51 PDT 2021
Archived on: Sat Jul 31 14:52:05 PDT 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).