[Qgis-user] Export Map Information to Google Maps

James Cobban webmaster at jamescobban.net
Tue Jul 20 14:46:56 PDT 2021

I run a genealogical web site one feature of which is displaying a 
Google Map on request for a geographical location.  For example 
<https://www.jamescobban.net/FamilyTree/Person.php?idir=42118>. Hold the 
mouse over any of the addresses and a popup gives you the option to view 
a Google Map.  I obtained the boundary information from the Ontario 
Ministry of Mines and Resources database <https://geohub.lio.gov.on.ca/> 
in the form of a KML file.  I am now trying to add the county and 
district boundaries but there appears to be a bug in the website which 
fails creating the KML file.  The Ministry is in the process of 
addressing this problem, but meanwhile I tried downloading the 
Geodatabase and opening it with QGIS.  This works, and displays the 
overview map of the database, but I cannot see any option to export the 
information as a set of polygons that I can pass to Google Maps.  How do 
I export to KML or any other file format that I already understand.

James Cobban
911-500 Springbank Dr
London, ON, Canada
N6J 4G6
mailto: webmaster at jamescobban.net

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