[Qgis-user] Lizmap - Filter data with form

Nicolas Boisteault nboisteault at 3liz.com
Mon Jun 28 00:49:31 PDT 2021


Did you try to make filters on the attribute table with geometry layers 
being children of it?

Le 26/06/2021 à 12:57, Riccardo D'Alvito a écrit :
> Good morning.
> In these days I'm writing a lot because I'm doing a very important 
> project for me in which I'm experiencing some problems with the use of 
> LizMap. I thank, therefore, all those who have already answered and 
> will answer me.
> In this case, more than a problem it's an advice that I ask to you 
> that are much more experienced than me in this field and have a wider 
> overview.
> I had the need to represent three types of interventions (point, 
> linear and areal) for this I created a GeoPackage database in which I 
> inserted the three layers with geometry respectively multipoint, 
> multiline and multipolygon. All these three layers have the same 
> fields in the attribute table, only the information of each element 
> changes (some fields are for example the year of the intervention, the 
> type of funding, the type of intervention etc.); moreover each layer 
> has a different number of elements according to how many interventions 
> could be represented by points, how many by lines and how many by 
> polygons.
> I then set up the project with LizMap and it shows up correctly online.
> I now need to create a filter through which it is possible to see the 
> interventions with certain characteristics and not others. For this 
> reason I have seen the function "Filter data with form" of LizMap that 
> allows, for the same layer, to filter the data leaving in view those 
> of interest and making disappear from view those not searched. The 
> problem is that this can be done for the three layers separately, it 
> can't be done for all three at once (obviously, I should say!).
> I also created a group in which I put the three layers but (again, 
> obviously!) I can't do the search for the three layers together but 
> only separately.
> The question is if there is a way for me to do the search on all three 
> layers (of different geometries and with the same fields of the 
> attribute table)at the same time or if I am forced to select each 
> layer separately and set the same search only on it.
> I hope I have been clear.
> Thank you very much.
> Have a nice day,
> Riccardo
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