[Qgis-user] Georeferencer GDAL - Tool - What is the meaning of the scaling factor in the Info

Kirk Schmidt kirk at nortekresources.com
Thu Mar 11 08:15:19 PST 2021

Hallo Michael:

I assume you are referring to the parameters in the lower part of the 
georeferencing window? I qset up a test georeferencing and the screen 
shot is below.

In this case, the values are the transformation parameters based on the 
4 GCP's I used.  The value after the | are the coordinates of the cursor 
measured from the top left corner.

Is this what you are referring too?

If the values are in your main map view, something has gone wrong in 
your georefrencing and perhaps you do not have enough GCP or one of your 
coorinates is wrong.  Try overlaying some additional vector or raster 
data to confirm your image is in the right spot.

Kirk Schmidt

On 3/11/2021 10:47 AM, Michael Werner Maur wrote:
> Hello,
> I use the Georeferencer in the QGis Raster dialog för a long time. But 
> yet I need further and detailed information about the quality 
> parameters of the  transformation.
> For example I did a Helmert Transformation and find in the lower part 
> of my desktop the parameters. There are two scaling factors for each 
> coordinate axis, but they  are as the following value (0,05325...) 
> ...I expected something in relation to the original scale of the 
> scanned raster map (f.e. 1 : 1250 -> 0,0008).
> It will be very helpful, if there is a explanation to it ! Thanx a lot !
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Im Auftrag
> Michael Maur
> --
> Michael Maur
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Kirk Schmidt, MScF, BScF, RPF
General Manager
Nortek Resource Solutions Inc.
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Email: kirk at nortekresources.com
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