[Qgis-user] Problem CRS to data base Oracle

Guillaumin, Stephanie Stephanie.Guillaumin at valdemarne.fr
Mon Mar 29 23:54:03 PDT 2021


We are having a problem displaying our data from our Oracle database.
Our data stored in our Oracle database has the EPSG code as a projection: 2154.
We have configured Qgis with the following parameters:

- Project CRS: EPSG 2154: RGF 93 / Lambert-93
- Layer CRS: use the project CRS

Despite this setting, when we load a layer from our database, it loads but it does not appear on the screen.
To visualize it, we must modify the CRS assigned to the layer by selecting:
- the project CRS: EPSG 2154: RGF 93 / Lambert-93.

By default, it is indicated RGF93 / Lambert-93.

Why does QGIS not recognize the projection of our data in the new versions (3.16.5 or 3.18)?
Knowing that in version 3.4 we layers opened perfectly without modifying the CRS assigned to the layer.

Looking forward to your response.


Head of GIS administration
Stephanie.guillaumin at valdemarne.fr<mailto:Stephanie.guillaumin at valdemarne.fr>

Le Val-de-Marne, D?partement utile : valdemarne.fr<https://valdemarne.fr> ? votre service
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