[Qgis-user] Multi User - QGIS

Alexander Klemm - km3 teledienst GmbH alexander.klemm at km3.de
Sun Sep 12 23:27:35 PDT 2021


we want to use QGIS to document our cable Infrastructure (We are an 
ISP). Now the Problem is, that 3 or 4 persons have to work with QGIS. 
Now my Idea was to provide a Postgresql Server with postgis installed. 
Thats working fine. The Project and the Layers are stored into the 
Postgresql Server and all Persons could work with it. Now my Problem is, 
that the Contents of the Layers must have an unique ID. The ID is set by 
the default value at the attribute form with/"maximum($id)+1"/. If two 
persons are working on the QGIS System, the Problem is, that there are 
duplicated IDs, because the IDs will not be stored immediately. Is there 
a solution for this problem?

thank you for helping
best regards

Alexander Klemm

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Alexander Klemm

km3 teledienst GmbH - August-Bebel-Str. 86 - 08344 Gruenhain-Beierfeld
Tel. +49 (0)3774 13931-0 - Fax +49 (0)3774 13931-02
buero at km3.de - https://www.km3.de
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Heiko Loetzsch und Mike Bielagk
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Chemnitz - Handelsregister: B Nr. 18881
Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 216 086 551 - Steuer-Nr.: 218 / 112 / 02921
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