[Qgis-user] CSV Import records missing on map

Peter Devanney peter at devanney.ca
Mon Sep 27 11:34:04 PDT 2021


Thanks for the tip. I did try placing the lat and long fields as columns 1
and 2 with no success. It is very strange.

I guess I will have to get the DMS converted to D.D and go from there.

Best regards

On Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 10:11 PM Agustín Diez Castillo <Agustin.Diez at uv.es>

> Hi,
> Are latitude and longitude among the first fields? I will try with them in
> field 2 and field 3, let field 1 for ID if you wish so. In this way, you
> can be sure if the problem is in another field or just in one of them.
> This trick helped me in te past to see where was the problems. Nicolas’
> suggestion will be the correct way to go (if you’re in Windows), but the
> other could help to see what it’s going on.
> Best
> Agustín
> On 26 Sep 2021, at 17:39, Nicolas Cadieux <njacadieux.gitlab at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have never used DMS, but rather Degrees in Decimals so perhaps that is
> the problem.  Make sure what is currently imported is actually in the
> correct place in DMS.
> Normally, problems with csv is related to empty field or extra
> separators.  Look at the file in notepad or notepad ++ and eliminate to
> problematic characters to make sure columns are Perfectly aligned. This can
> be hard to find if the separator is a space character.
> Nicolas Cadieux
> https://gitlab.com/njacadieux
> Le 26 sept. 2021 à 16:48, Peter Devanney <peter at devanney.ca> a écrit :
> Hello
> I have an issue I have never run into before.
> I am adding a delimited text (CSV) layer and only some of the records
> appear on the map. 36/118 records show. The rest do not show but are still
> in the attribute table.
> When I run add geometry attributes or do an export to .shp I only see the
> 36 records that showed up on the map.
> All records look identical in the source CSV. I cannot see any difference
> that would explain why one record imported successfully with geometry
> attributes and the others didn't.
> The CSV file has separate Lat and Long columns with coordinates in DMS
> Latitude Longitude
> N45 45 56.1 W075 27 51.3
> I am running 3.16.8 on OS X Big Sur 11.5.2
> Scratching my head as to why some records import ok and the others do not,
> even though all show up in the attribute table.
> thanks
> Peter Devanney
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