[Qgis-user] Moving many project files - bulk updating paths to tables?

Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ) tony at farmmaps.nz
Thu Apr 4 11:28:42 PDT 2024

Hi All


I am sure I am not the first to ponder how to deal with this.  I have loads,
thousands likely, of project files in a series of folders and subfolders.  I
need to move those files and folders to a new location to enable other staff
to use the project files and their associated shp files, geo packages,
rasters etc.


Essentially, I am shifting my entire collection of GIS work to a shared
location for others to start using, so moving from a sole operator to a
shared environment.


In my old MapInfo days, I would simply do a bulk search and replace over the
workspace files (text-based so this is easy) and change the paths that need
changing and all would be ok.


As qgz files are not easily modified through a text editor, are there any
tools out there to enable bulk changing of file paths in those files? 


Any other approaches?






Tony Shepherd

  GeoSpatial Manager @ FarmMaps NZ & Photographer @ Shepherd Photos


Phone - 027 435 6193  | Website -  <http://shepherdphotos.co.nz/>

Email - Maps  <mailto:tony at farmmaps.nz> tony at farmmaps.nz  |  Email - Photos
<mailto:tony at shepherdphotos.co.nz> tony at shepherdphotos.co.nz

Facebook  <https://www.facebook.com/TonyShepherdPhotos> TonyShepherdPhotos




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