[Qgis-user] merging parts from various raster files

sibylle.stoeckli at gmx.ch sibylle.stoeckli at gmx.ch
Tue Apr 30 02:34:23 PDT 2024

Dear community

I am working with QGIS 3.34 (Prizren) and would like to merge region 1 from
raster (.tif) file 1 and region 2 from raster file 2, and...
For sure I will need to use raster-miscellaneous-merge.

My question is related to the pre-processing of the input raster files.
- The 12 raster files all have the same coordinate system.
- The raster files are fully overlapping (the entire country).
- The region is not defined per se in the raster file, but in an additional
shape file (biogeo.shp).
- For sure I can carry out some zonal statistics using raster and shape
file, but to merge the regions I need all the pixels form a regions as input
file for the merging process. This process is more than just selecting
regions or cropping. Do you have any suggestions?

Kind regards

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