[Qgis-user] QGis on a Mac

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna at libero.it
Thu Aug 29 08:09:12 PDT 2024

> Don Williams donwilliams_is at mac.com

> Really struggling to work out what the path should be to bring in 150,000 png tiles based in a folder called OS Opendata on a Mac into xyz tiles in QGis?
> Probably asked a million times but all I see in the help pages is to use a url but these all reside on the hard-drive?

Hi Don,
I think you will find the needed info in the QGIS Desktop User Guide / 
Manual at 

You can open the relevant page of the QGIS Desktop User Guide / Manual 
just clicking on the Help button which is available in almost any QGIS 
dialog windows.



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