[Qgis-user] topological editing

Huesmann, Michaela michaela.huesmann at Stadt-Steinfurt.de
Wed Dec 4 23:40:26 PST 2024

Hello all,

I wonder why topological editing does not work in my case.
I activated the button but I get gaps because the shared vertices do not move with the moved vertices.

QGIS-Version: 3.34.9-Prizren

[cid:image001.png at 01DB46F1.0AA21A60]

[cid:image002.png at 01DB46F1.54990A20]

Best regards,

[Kreisstadt Steinfurt]<http://www.steinfurt.de>

 - 48565 Steinfurt

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
im Auftrag
Michaela Huesmann
Fachdienst Tiefbau

Tel.: +49 2552 925 219
E-Mail: michaela.huesmann at Stadt-Steinfurt.de<mailto:michaela.huesmann at Stadt-Steinfurt.de>

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