[Qgis-user] Animating a DEM

Nigel Berjak - General nigel at s3.co.za
Mon Jul 29 06:47:01 PDT 2024

Hi Joe

Have you considered using the temporal (time) series animation option 
instead? Here is an example 
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKpELzOjXpA). As I recall, you can 
output still images from the time series, then put them together as a 
motion gif file or use an external software, like AfterEffects, to 
combine them into a video output.


Nigel Berjak
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On 2024-07-29 15:29, JOE LEMONNIER via QGIS-User wrote:
> I’m working (in AfterEffects) on an animated map showing the advance of 
> snowpack from the mountain peaks in November to the valleys in 
> December. I’ve got a good DEM to work from and I know the rudiments of 
> animation. Can someone advise me how, in AfterEffects to make this 
> work?
> Thanks advance, Joe
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