[Qgis-user] Stopping Embedded Symbols when importing KMLs/Shapefiles [SEC=INTERNAL]
Patrick Dunford
enzedrailmaps at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 14:17:47 PDT 2024
This information is all part of the styles saved with each layer. You
can copy and paste these styles between layers. These options are found
in the Layers menu (Copy Style / Paste Style).
On 31/07/24 08:45, Alicia Gray via QGIS-User wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am a very basic user of QGIS and have just switched to */Version
> 3.34.8/*. With this version, every time I import a KML or Shapefile it
> automatically styles it with */Embedded Symbols/* rather than */Single
> Symbols/*. Is there anyway to change this?
> In the example below, I have to change each of the layers on the left
> to */Single Symbol/* to be able to use my own saved symbols which can
> become very time consuming when there are hundreds of layers needed at
> a time.
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