[Qgis-user] Visualize object (pipe section) growth

juergen.u at freenet.de juergen.u at freenet.de
Wed Jun 5 03:49:43 PDT 2024

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                        Hi there,I'm new here and occasionally work with QGIS.
In my case I would like to visualize the growth of water pipe sections over a certain period of time. This means that I have an inventory of pipe sections, each with the attribute of its Installation (date, for example 2023-02-11). The goal would now be a visualization in which the entire network is gradually built up, starting with the oldest line section.
I have already exported individual pipe sections separately, but I then have to import them all by hand to make the increase visible. My question is whether there is a way in QGIS to build up the entire inventory gradually depending on the attribute values (date).I would be happy if someone could help me.
Cheers Jürgen
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